What is a Flight Itinerary and why should you go for Flight Itinerary for Visa Application over an Actual Ticket?

A flight itinerary for visa is a detailed route of your flight. It includes information such as flight name, departure/arrival timings along with dates, flight code, departure/arrival airport IATA codes and the flight reservation/booking numbers. Why should you go for flight itinerary for visa application over an actual ticket? While there is an option to …

Why do Embassies ask for a Hotel Itinerary and Should I get a Hotel Itinerary Booking Without Paying the full Price?

Embassies and consulates ask for hotel reservations primarily to understand your itinerary. Embassies can also assess your intentions for the trip from your hotel reservations. Itinerary Hotel bookings enable the consulates to understand your itinerary, places you plan to visit and the number of days you plan to stay in the country. Using this information, …

What Is an Airline or Flight Ticket and How Can I Make Sure My Airline Ticket Is Reserved?

An airline or flight ticket is either a paper-printed or an electronic document purchased by a traveller from an airline company or a travel agency. The ticket proves that the traveller has a reserved seat on an aeroplane, which will take them to their destination. Almost all Embassies or Consulates of the Schengen Area are …

Does Travel Insurance Cover all of Europe and Why should I take out Travel Insurance for Europe?

Travel insurance for a Schengen visa must cover all 27 countries. However, some travel insurers may require that you specify all the countries you plan to visit to get comprehensive coverage. Why should I take out travel insurance for Europe? Travel insurance for Europe is important as it helps protect you against unexpected expenses during …

How to book hotel for visa application without paying first?

Although this method may sometimes be referred to as a Dummy Hotel Reservation, this is by no means a Dummy Booking. It’s just a booking without paying the price before the approval of the visa application. To make a hotel booking without paying the price you could use the services of Schengen Visa Itinerary. How …

Can I Reserve a Flight Without Paying and how can we Reserve a Flight Without Paying?

Yes! You can reserve a flight without paying for it in advance. Some airlines provide you with a hold option that allows you to hold a seat for a specific period (typically, 7 days, although some airlines allow you to hold a seat for only 24 hours or for up to 15 days – it …

Is Travel Insurance Affect on Visa Application and what is Impact of Travel Insurance on the Approval of Visa Applications?

Yes, taking Travel Insurance is compulsory for international trips as several countries require Travel Insurance as a part of their visa requirements. Hence, it is recommended, before applying for a travel visa, to ensure to go through the conditions mentioned. Proof of travel insurance must be provided to the embassy to avoid a rejected application. …

How long should the proof of accommodation be valid for visa application and how to get the proof of accommodation for Visa Purpose?

The validity of the proof of accommodation depends on the requirements of the embassy or consulate processing the visa application. In general, the proof should be valid for the entire duration of the trip or at least for the first few days of the trip. It is best to check the specific requirements of the …

Why we Don’t book Flight and Hotel in advance before visa is approved and How to Get a Flight and Hotel Itineraries without paying for any Visa Application?

It is not recommended to pay for flight and hotel itineraries upfront when applying for a visa. This is because if your application is rejected, you will not be able to get a refund for the ticket. Additionally, airlines may change their prices frequently so that you may pay more than necessary. It is always …

Who needs Travel Insurance and how do I find the correct Travel Insurance for Travel to the Schengen Area?

Generally, anyone who is traveling to any of the countries in the Schengen area needs to take out travel insurance. However, for citizens who enjoy visa-free status it isn’t mandatory to have travel insurance although it’s still a good idea to have some. For citizens who need a visa to be able to enter the …

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